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I have a diverse body of work, and am always interested in exploring and perfecting different techniques. At the moment my focus is in on printmaking and drawing, whilst previously I made large scale paintings. My subject matter usually comes from abstracting landscapes. This is always a jumping off point for more subjective explorations of colour, medium and structure.
I have an adjacent participatory arts practice, primarily within arts in health and community settings. I have included some examples below.
Loch Leven (i), relief print on white cartridge
In between places: a bridge
Home screen printed T. 2020.
Loch Leven (i), relief print on white cartridge
Printmaking and Paint
Storm Storm. Lithograph and paint on angled board. 2019
Lichen, Sunray abstracts. Lithograph and paint on angled board. 2019.
Natural Rhythm Waves. Lithograph and paint on boards.2019.
Storm Storm. Lithograph and paint on angled board. 2019
'Pebble' displayed for re-opening of Edinburgh College of Art's Sculpture Court 2018.
Pebble. Painting on canvas. 2019.
Fog. Painting on board. 2022.
'Pebble' displayed for re-opening of Edinburgh College of Art's Sculpture Court 2018.
Go Go Beets mural. 2019.
Go Go Beets. Mural December 2019.
Collaborative Artist book by post with my brother. 2021.
Go Go Beets mural. 2019.
Participatory practice
'Reflections' art workshop at the RHCYP. Making reflective sculptures and playing with light.
Collaborative flower garden between two wards at the RHCYP
Sensory Arts: space themed LED push lights.
'Reflections' art workshop at the RHCYP. Making reflective sculptures and playing with light.
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